Pr!vate 51 at Sheffer Gallery

Author : Finn McGrath This review/ critique will take a tripartite approach. There is a lot of content output to cover for this show. So in three parts I hope to breakdown exactly what I think is most useful looking at this eclectic exhibition. 1. The Instagram account How we all get our information about upcoming events and yada yada - through social media. The @prvate51 Instagram account is quintessential "shit-posting". Using a platform which is more or less designed as a promotional tool for hybrid shit-posting / marketing makes for a very confusing and yet slightly intriguing first interaction with this show. Shit-posting reminds me very much of Dadaism and Chance art in which contextless whimsy direct a casual viewer to a state of confused observing which renders no complete emotion. No tears, or laughter. To be clear this isn't to be confused with the red-pilled shit-posting of 2016, it's gone beyond that now, into a territory which reflects some sort of abs...